I have spent years covering the tabletop and entertaining markets and on my shop I carry my favorite pieces. If you saw my kitchen in yesterday’s post, you can see that you can make a big impact with dishes- even white dishes when displayed as a collection. You might have also noticed the black deep dishes, bowls etc. in the photos too and wondered where I got them. I sell those too on the shop! They are amazing. They are Black Clay Pottery from Columbia. You can take these dishes from oven to table and the presentation with food is dramatic. Some of my other favorite pieces are from the Jars collection. No they are not literally “jars”, that is the French company’s name that manufactures them. They are the sea blue plates and bowls you see above. I love the visual interest of them and also that the sides are a white/ivory color, so that only the tops are blue. Most foods look best with white or black, but a soft blue is also nice, especially with greens like salads or white fish. Red dishes I find are the most unforgiving when it comes to food presentation. A red detail or border is ok, but most foods look unappetizing on a plain red plate. You might find my shop’s tabletop is very minimal, without a lot of patterns, but that is because I think the recipe should be the main focal point. Busy patterns don’t always let you see the food the way it should be, which is usually so beautiful. -Lynn Butler Beling
First Row: Black Clay Deep Dishes, which come in 5″, 8″ and 10″ diameter. Black Clay Fruit Bowl and Black Clay Dinner and Salad Plates. Second Row: White Porcelain Sauce Boat, Jars Dinner and Salad Plates and White Porcelain Plates. Third Row: Large White Porcelain Bowl, Jars Feathered Soup and Alessi Stainless Wire Basket. All from Little Blue Dish Shop.
My kitchen photos below: