If you have lived in New York City I’m sure you have your own story about times in the hotel- once a place where artists, writers and musicians took up apartments. But now it’s being renovated into luxury apartments. It’s not as well known for it’s design or interiors but for who lived there, the parties that happened, the conversations and yes, some deaths. Vanity Fair takes a look at some residents and their apartments. I thought it was worth sharing the link today. See the slideshow and interesting commentary here. For more stories about the hotel there is the book Legends of the Chelsea Hotel: Living with Artists and Outlaws in New York’s Rebel Mecca by Ed Hamilton.
Note: If you remember the 2010 documentary about New York Times fashion photographer Bill Cunningham, Bill lived in a small artist colony of apartments above Carnegie Hall. They all had to move on as renovations happened there too. It’s a great movie to see and Bill is quite charming and endearing. If you’d like a break from all the pumpkins and scary movies this weekend we think it’s a documentary worth watching. Bill Cunningham New York