These are the last weekends with a bit of warm weather before the cool air comes in, so why not take advantage and invite a few friends over for drinks? This cherry fizz (above) is easy and non-alcoholic. I always like to have a non-alcoholic drink for guests (besides water) so they feel like they are part of the celebration.
Cherry Fizz: Serves 2 / 1 cup cherry juice, 1 cup ginger ale, mix with ice and serve in chilled glass.
How about a Hot Toddy? (see recipe below) Serve in an old fashioned thermos to take outside to an outdoor fire or open grass lawn. Have a cotton blanket available for everyone on your outdoor chairs or lounges. We love these from Pine Cone Hill, $64. And of course mums are abundant this time of year. Pick a few up to adorn your front entry way or around your outdoor sitting area.. easy! (Picking up thermoses and throws can be used throughout the fall and winter for many occasions- they are great to have on hand!) If you have a bit more time take an indoor table and chairs outside for a special afternoon on the lawn.
Hot Toddy Recipe: (serves one)
5 cloves, 2 lemon slices, 2 oz. whiskey, 1 oz. freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 teaspoons honey or sugar syrup, 3 oz. boiled water, 1 cinnamon stick (to serve).
Add whiskey, lemon juice and honey in a heatproof glass. Skewer the cloves into the lemon slices and add to glass. Top with boiling water and add cinnamon stick as a garnish to serve.