I still can’t get over how amazing these felt animals are, handmade by Johana Molina, a 25 year old artist living in Chile. Her shop FeltingDreams on etsy.com has small collectable felt animals that range from about $40-$100. For the holidays these would make sweet additions to the tops of wrapped presents, or make your own magical holiday town display complete with traveling mice. But just on their own I love them. She started sewing at the age of 7 and in 2010 she discovered fiber art and started creating wire skeletons that she could cover in wool felt. Her expert sewing techniques allow her to put the finishing touches on the animals. She’s currently working on an illustrated storybook of the history of mice. Johana is busy with the holiday orders but was nice enough to speak with me the other day for a moment and here’s what she said:
Lynn: What got you started making felt mice? (it’s so unique)
Johana: Since I was a child I had little friends in my mind, my dream has been to write storybooks for children and make toys too, but I could not find a way to bring them to life. When I met with the needle felt technique they began to take life in my hands, which by the way are quite holed, it was then that the name Felting Dreams magically came to me.
Lynn: Did you go to an art school?
Johana: No, I didn’t. I’m a self-taught artist, writer, doll artist and illustrator. Since I was a child I loved to have the mediums in my hands and just create.
Lynn: How long does it take you to make a mouse on average?
Johana: It takes about 2 hours to make a piece of felting; I love to take all the time possible to give them the details and quality finish. Actually I work at night too so I can to have all the orders in time.
Lynn: Have you done custom mice for people?
Johana: I did some custom orders but no so much, usually the people like my designs, just changes in the color clothes, maybe add some accessories they rather have.
Lynn: Do you have a favorite?
Johana: The Little Traveler Mouse is one of my favorite creations and I know that people like it. I think it reflects “the adventurer” that each of us have inside.
Here are all the links to follow Johana! And keep scrolling below for more of her creations.
Twitter: twitter.com/felting_dreams Personal Facebook: www.facebook.com/feltingdreams Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/FeltingDreamsByJohanaMolina Tumblr: www.feltingdreams.tumblr.com
Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/feltingdreams/