As the official start of the summer season starts today we were inspired by seashells. Nature is a wonderful place to start when you are looking for a color palette. It can be from the colors in an object, like this shell, or a larger landscape in general- for instance if you are looking at the ocean you have the sky, the many colors of blue in the sea, the white or tan sand, the green or straw beach grass- these can all inspire a palette. We have selected Benjamin Moore colors to help you apply this palette to your own home. Remember that when you look from room to room in your home you can see the walls in your hall or another room from the room you are standing in, so it’s important to consider the flow of colors throughout your home. We usually start with a color palette for the entire home, that way it doesn’t look disjointed as it comes together. The exception we’ve found with this though is sometimes when it comes to kids rooms or their playroom- you may just want to toss out ‘the rules’ and have a really fun time decorating it with your child they way he or she wants, in the colors they want.
We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday with family and friends. We hope everyone takes a moment to reflect on all the sacrifices our military heroes and their families make everyday to ensure our freedom and safety both here and abroad. Happy Memorial Day!